Risk assessment and strategy for diamond mine in West Africa
We carried out an assessment of the ESG risks and impacts associated with a mining operation in a conflict-affected country in West Africa – in advance of a planned IPO on a major international exchange. This informed the subsequent development of a strategy to address priority risks and impacts, with the aim of reducing the client’s operational and strategic risks, delivering higher levels of assurance to potential investors and promoting long-term, shared value creation. Activities included:
- Extensive fieldwork at local- and national-level, with a focus on client operations, nearby artisanal mining sites, local suppliers and supporting logistics networks
- Direct engagement of a wide set of stakeholders, ranging from vulnerable local community members to public security providers and senior government ministers
- In-depth analysis – and rating – of existing client management systems against international best practice standards, as well as the operation’s risk/impact profile, with the aim of better understanding residual risks and opportunities for enhanced management practices
- Delivery of prioritised recommendations to optimise the operation’s positive impacts, minimise its negative impacts, bring management practices closer in line with international best practice – and deliver enhanced customer / investor assurance