Site-level HRIAs at copper and cobalt operations

We carried out multiple, in-depth human rights impact assessments (HRIAs) at mine sites in Central Africa, South America and the United States. This included the application of a systematic, UN Guiding Principles-aligned assessment framework based on the quantitative assessment and prioritisation of human rights risks and impacts at a sub-national level – as well as the direct engagement of rightsholders. Activities included:
- Initial, document-based analysis and scoring – including third-party sources, existing client documentation and client management system analysis
- Independent, face-to-face interviews with site-level stakeholders, including community members, employees, value chain workers and civil society representatives – with focus on rightsholders / vulnerable groups
- Analysis of stakeholder (mis)perceptions regarding human rights risks and impacts
- Parallel identification and assessment of operations’ positive human rights impacts
- Facilitated development of prioritised, cross-disciplinary human rights action plans to further enhance existing management controls and / or address identified management gaps